Home Fallout Shelter - Concrete Block Shelter - Basement Location

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This compact basement shelter will provide low-cost protection from the effects of radioactive fallout. Its purpose is to provide adequate protection for the minimum cost in an existing basement. In addition to the low cost, materials should be readily available, and the labor time will be short.

The details..

'Home Fallout Shelter: Concrete Block Shelter-Basement Location' is a guide to constructing an affordable and effective shelter in your existing basement. The book offers detailed instructions on how to build this compact shelter using common lumber, concrete blocks with mortar joints, and other readily available materials. With around 50 square feet of area and space for five people, this shelter is designed to protect against the harmful effects of radioactive fallout.

The construction process requires less than 44 man-hours of labor time. This makes it ideal for those who want maximum protection at minimum cost without having to spend too much time or effort on building their own shelters. Natural ventilation is provided by air vents in the walls as well as through the entranceway.

The book includes a comprehensive materials list which can be obtained from local concrete block plants or lumber yards making it easy to source all necessary items required for construction.The guide also contains step-by-step instructions along with diagrams illustrating each stage of the process.

'Home Fallout Shelter: Concrete Block Shelter-Basement Location' will prove invaluable reading material for anyone interested in survival preparedness during times when nuclear attacks are imminent.This informative manual serves as an essential resource providing practical advice on how best one can prepare themselves against potential threats.

Resource Info

Page count: 4
Size: 226kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available
Defensive Skills